

Malaysia’s most comprehensive online leave management system

ecoleave online leave management

Online leave management system

Ecoleave is an online leave application system that provides employees a management platform to effectively manage leave applications and approvals

Ecoleave in a Nutshell

Reduce the use of paper. Go eco-friendly!
No missing employees files
Approving leave is simple and effortless
Access anytime, anywhere on any gadgets
Reduce administrative burden business-wide
View the entire team’s leave in one place
Convenient and Productive
SSL Secure with optional OTP login
leave application approval apply



With Ecoleave, you can easily track all types of leave entitlement, taken and balance besides the Annual, Medical, as well as Replacement leave. Emergency, Annual, or Non-Pay Leave is auto-assigned based on your setting and claimable


Employee can easily upload claims receipt for approval and finance payment selection by month.

Claim categories are set monthly and yearly limit by employees category

leave application theme customize
leave application tablet



Upload UBS Payroll with one-click to allow employees to download PDF payslip monthly for years records .


Most suitable for multi outlets or branches office attendance with limited budget. 

Real time attendance records with unlimited duty roster, differents workign schedule, rest day and public holiday up to employee level.

leave application setting
leave application tablet



Ecoleave is integrated with UBS Payroll, Fingertec TCMS V2, V3 and Ingress Attendance System.

Trusted by successful companies